Native tongue story follows the protagonist as he journeys battling unknown entities and obstacles to gain unhindered access into the land of the gods. The Player is immersed into a world of African Mythology. The game has numerous strong elements, with stunning 2D visuals that gives the game an organic and wholesome feel and a powerful african inspired theme.The player will learn about an array of African deities and their Backstory as it ties to African culture.The player is immersed into a world of Afrocentric mythology.Each level will have a graduated complexity from the previous Level.For every boss fight at the end of each level the Player will gain a new ability in the form of a mask.As the player navigates terrains and completes tasks , backstories are unveiled with key details for navigating the paths ahead. Interaction with Non-playable characters also provides the player with the character origin insight.Every new Level has an increased level of complexity and the player also gains new information.